
The concept is simple: you can achieve the best sitting posture by identifying one key bone in the spine (the keystone vertebra) and supporting it. The level of this vertebra differs between individuals, and also with the height of the seat.

Despite the multitude of existing chair types offered in the market today, persistent back and neck pain at work continues to be a significant problem. The reason? A misconception in chair design that lumbar support alone ensures optimal sitting posture. This misses the keystone vertebra: the spine is unbalanced and the body collapses down with gravity.

The ephgrave chair offers the solution. Using a single moveable cushion that can be positioned at the keystone for each individual, the spine is supported and the body is balanced. Pain is alleviated and stiffness is gradually reversed, freeing the body to move with greater efficiency.

about me

I originally trained as a dancer with the Royal Ballet, then became a physiotherapist gaining a First Class Honours Degree from Kings College London.

My dance training combined with my anatomical knowledge has given me a unique understanding of movement and biomechanics which has informed my career.

Over 20 years I treated numerous patients with back and neck pain primarily caused by poor sitting posture – an issue that negatively impacts quality of life.

Despite researching the market, I was unable to find any one chair that could solve the problem of slump sitting at work.

Solving this problem became my mission.

Understanding how the body balances itself in sitting vs standing, and the inherent differences between the two, led me to design the ephgrave chair.

Since 2016 I have been testing and refining the product based on feedback to arrive at the finished model: a chair that works with the body to support an upright balanced posture.
