What is the key to good sitting posture? - supporting the keystone vertebra
The spine is a chain of bones that transmits the weight of the head and ribcage to the pelvis. It changes shape according to their counterbalancing movement in different positions.
Posture is determined by the alignment of these body parts in relation to each other. The more aligned, the better the posture and the lower the load to the joints and muscles.

In standing, the pelvis tilts forwards and the upper body shifts backwards. The spine forms an S-shape around the line of gravity with the head balanced on top.

In unsupported sitting, the pelvis tips backwards and the upper body shifts forwards. The spine drops into a C-shape around the line of gravity with the head falling forward above.

Chairs control the collapse of the spine that occurs in sitting.
The back support of the chair pushes the spine forwards to reposition the upper body over the seat.
If the chair supports the balance point (keystone) of the mobile part of the spine correctly, the ribcage and head will reposition over the pelvis: good posture.
the keystone
The keystone is the vertebra that bears the weight of the upper body and controls the shape of the spine.
When this bone is positioned correctly, it pulls the joints above and below into alignment and centralises body weight.
The level of the keystone differs between individuals and also with the height of the seat.
The ephgrave chair allows for this variation, and can be customised to each user.

conventional vs ephgrave chair
conventional chairs
Using lumbar support alone misses the keystone . The mobile spine collapses above the support unbalancing the body and compressing the lower back and neck.
The muscles have to work hard to hold the unbalanced body upright against gravity. Over time they get tight and fatigued, causing stiffness and pain.

the ephgrave chair
The moveable back cushion can be positioned to fully support the keystone of each user, lifting it up and forwards to rebalance the body and reduce strain on joints and muscles. Good posture and flexibility are maintained.
The chair does the work for you so your body can relax.

It’s so great finally having a chair that encourages me to sit up rather than slouch. As a dyspraxic, it’s easy for me to lose touch with what my body needs and this chair gently reminds me through the day how I should sit so I don’t end up in pain at the end of long working days. I would highly recommend
This chair rocks (and rolls)! My neck and back pain is much less when I use the ephgrave chair at home - I miss it when I'm in the office. My posture has improved and I can finally fit under my desk with no arm rests in the way! I highly recommend it!
This chair has been a game changer for me. Having suffered back pain for years previously, sitting in this chair now corrects my posture and prevents my old bad habits. What a relief to have found a chair that works for me!
Pure genius – the end of backache
Would thoroughly recommend this chair
I absolutely love the Ephgrave chair. Already after a few weeks, my posture feels better and the aches and pains I used to feel during a normal working day are gone. It is extremely comfortable and relaxing to sit in – I would recommend it to all!
The ephgrave chair is incredibly comfortable. I could immediately feel the benefit to my posture as soon as I sat in it. What’s more, it looks great too!
I think this is a fantastic product, looks great and for anyone having to work at a desk it is essential to ensure good health. I also suffered a recent slipped disc and the ephgrave chair was the only one where it took the pain away, freeing up my lower back. Thank you!
The longer I use the chair the more benefits I am seeing. My posture has improved and I no longer get the episodic back pain I was experiencing. In summary it has significantly improved my life and I have no hesitation to recommend it.
The ephgrave chair is quite a revelation. Having sat on various office chairs over the years from “supportive” to “lumbar adjustable” etc. they all inevitably still caused long term posture problems leading to back pain. Not so with the ephgrave chair, the first sensation is that of weightlessness and freedom. The chair looks quite simple but it is perfectly designed to take the load off your back, shoulders and neck and encourages better overall posture. No more slouching in my chair and no more expensive physio bills! It’s also beautifully designed – something you might expect Apple to have made, so it looks the part in any office or home.
The ephgrave chair is a revelation. Having looked for chairs over the years that provide the perfect balance of support and comfort, the Ephgrave Chair truly delivers. Its unique adjustable cushion, which is simple to individually position, allows the user to have their 'keystone' vertebra supported promoting pain free sitting. It is a game changer for office users, especially for those who suffer with any neck or back pain. Its sleek design means the chair fits beautifully into a home or work setting. I use this chair at work in my physiotherapy clinic and cannot recommend it highly enough.
After spending 10 hours a day during lockdown stuck to the same chair on video calls and emails. I would slump in terrible positions eventually my lower back gave up and I was in serious pain. After using the ephgrave chair for a few weeks my back improved and the chair’s design would nudge me into a better posture, stopping me from arching my back and making me more aware of my body’s bad habits. Together with this its super comfortable and sustains sitting for long workdays. I would thoroughly recommend it to anyone who spends any significant amount of time at a desk!